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Curator Analytics

Find the top playlist curators on the top platforms

Most discovery in today's music industry happens through playlists, which is why it's so important to understand the playlists you're on and what playlists you need to get on.

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Loved by industry leaders

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Get unique insights

Filter 12 million curators on Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, and Deezer by genre, social data, and type, then sort by playlist count, playlist followers, and growth to find the curators that are right for your music.

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Get unique insights


Filter 12 million curators on Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, and Deezer by genre, social data, and type, then sort by playlist count, playlist followers, and growth to find the curators that are right for your music.

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Curator stats

Zero in on a curator's social stats and playlist trends so you know exactly how — and when — to pitch your music to them.

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Plus our core features

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Monitor any curator’s core KPIs across all of the major streaming and social platforms.

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Sort all of an curator’s tracks by playlist adds, YouTube views, TikTok posts, Shazams, and more.

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Top 50 Global


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Today's top hits


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!Viva latino!


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+3M curators

We track playlists curators data from Spotify, Apple Music and Deezer.

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"As an independent label founder, owner and manager, I use Chartmetric everyday. Having all the insights in the one spot has been a game changer for me, from social stats, playlists, charts and airplay - I no longer need any other tracking service subscription. For a small business owner trying to stay across and aware of the ever evolving digital music age, this efficiency (both analytical, financial and reactive features) is incredibly important. Chartmetric understands this too, always updating their services as trends change and being available to answer any questions I may have."

Nina Las Vegas

Nina Las Vegas

Record Label Owner

Nina Las Vegas

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