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Global streaming, social, and radio charts

We monitor global and regional charts from more than 15 music streaming and social media platforms — plus radio airplay — so you can focus on spotting topline trends and finding new opportunities.

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Loved by industry leaders

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Get unique insights

Chartmetric Rank is our proprietary global digital artist ranking that lets you measure artist performance across 16 streaming and social media platforms and metrics.

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Get unique insights

Global Digital Ranking

Chartmetric Rank is our proprietary global digital artist ranking that lets you measure artist performance across 16 streaming and social media platforms and metrics.

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TikTok charts

See top tracks by country, top users, and top videos on TikTok, so you know what tracks are breaking first and what influencers are making it happen.

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Charts by country and date

From Spotify to Apple Music, YouTube to Amazon Music and more, break down streaming charts by country as far back as 2016.

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Chart summaries

Understand at a glance what record labels, artists, genres, and countries are dominating every chart and every platform.

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Plus our core features

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+15 Top Platforms

Get the most accurate vision of any artist performance with our unified charts.

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"In today’s music business you have to be fast and across everything. Chartmetric is one of the sharpest arrows in my quiver and I never enter into an artist or campaign discussion without it."

Matt Sawin

Matt Sawin


Virgin Music

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